

Here are some of the ways all of us can help:

Support Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion 

If you're not in Hamilton, please consider donating to a charity, group or cause near you that helps fight racism in all its forms. 

Celebrate Black artists in your community:

Here in Hamilton, please check out COBRA - The Coalition of Black and Racialized Artists

Learn about the history of local placenames:

Locally, there are several places named after prominent 18th and 19th century individuals who owned Black slaves and contributed to historic and present day injustices. As we learn more about these people such as Henry Dundas, or Joseph Brant, we will be including that information on our site in order to raise awareness of how these unthinkable practices still shape the lives of Black people today.

Above all, listen, learn and use your platform and privilege to amplify Black voices.
